Thank you to all of the men and women who do so much every year
to help victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
These are our 2020 heroes!
Please click on the photos to read their stories.
Each of these heroes were presented a Heroes Roundup silver belt buckle, and treated to a photo shoot by Rich Hoffman Gallery,
Normally a gala event, A Heroes Roundup was scheduled for early 2020 but because of
COVID-19 restrictions, has become a virtual event.
A Heroes Roundup is Operation Care’s major fundraising
event of the year,and the organizers hope to raise $10,000
to help those most vulnerable in our community.
A special thank you to Rich Hoffman Gallery for taking the photos of our Honorees this year! hoffmangallery007@gmail.com
Call (209) 304-3730

Thank you to Sutter Health
For Sponsoring
A Heroes Roundup.