Summer Youth Program 13-17

1003 Broadway 1003 Broadway, Jackson, CA, United States

Team Building Activities

Jr. Summer Youth Program

Plymouth Pentecostal 18519 Poplar Street, Plymouth, CA, United States

Topic: Positive Self – Esteem Learning to be proud of being an individual and affirming strengths and building a positive self – image. Activity: Self- Affirmation Activity

Operation Care Yard Sale

1003 Broadway 1003 Broadway, Jackson, CA, United States

If you are in the Jackson area stop by our parking lot sale! Friday, July 31 from 8-3 p.m. and Saturday August 1 from 8-12 p.m.  The sale includes all different types and styles of clothing, household goods and much more! For more information contact Janet 209-223-2897

Summer Youth Program 13-17

1003 Broadway 1003 Broadway, Jackson, CA, United States

High School Preparation Power Point, Closing session: certificates of completion, post-test.

Operation Care Yard Sale

1003 Broadway 1003 Broadway, Jackson, CA, United States

If you are in the Jackson area stop by our parking lot sale! Friday, July 31 from 8-3 p.m. and Saturday August 1 from 8-12 p.m.  The sale includes all different types and styles of clothing, household goods and much more! For more information contact Janet 209-223-2897

Color Madness 2016 5K Fun Run/Walk

Margaret Dalton Hall 975 Broadway, Jackson, CA, United States

Come join the fun and bring awareness to Teen Dating Violence! Color Madness 5K and Fun Run/Walk, Saturday, February 6th, 2016. More more information call 209-223-2897.

A Night at the Oscars

St. Katharine Drexel Parish 11361 Prospect Dr, Jackson, CA, United States

Tickets $50 Per Person YOU ARE INVITED Operation Care Presents: Amador County A Night at the Oscars Saturday, May 21, 2016 St. Katharine Drexel Hall Cocktails at 6:00 pm Dinner & Dancing 7:00 - 10:00 pm semi-formal attire requested or dress as your favorite actor for more information call 209-223-2897 Proceeds benefit Operation Care   […]

Color Madness 5K Fun Run/Walk

Margaret Dalton Hall 975 Broadway, Jackson, CA, United States

Come join the fun and bring awareness to Teen Dating Violence! Color Madness 5K and Fun Run/Walk...