Domestic Violence
If you become a victim of domestic violence, read through the suggestions on the Get Help page. Even if you are not ready to confront the problem immediately, it is important to be prepared. You might change your mind later.
If you are the victim of an ongoing violent situation, consider preparing a Personal Safety Plan. We offer two versions online: click here to access a form that you can print and fill out.
If you’re ready to seek some help, contact us by calling the 24 hour help line at (209) 223-2600 or (800) 675-3392. We provide many services including a safe house, emergency food and clothing, one-on-one and group counseling services. We also offer Advocacy and Accompaniment services and support groups.
Our services are available for all survivors of domestic abuse and their loved ones. Services are completely confidential and free of charge.
Sexual Assault
Read and consider the tips on the Get Help page.
Rape is a violation of a person’s body and spirit. It can affect every area of the victim’s life, including: loss of trust, guilt, fear, depression, and sexual problems. The trauma of sexual abuse or rape can be devastating, and without necessary treatment the effects can last a lifetime read more…
Remember that you, as the victim, are in no way responsible for your attacker’s behavior.
Operation Care has certified counselors who offer free, confidential individual counseling for females and males ages 3 and up.
Our services are available for all survivors of sexual assault and their loved ones. Services are completely confidential and free of charge.
Child Abuse
If a child discloses abuse, it is important to believe the child. Children rarely lie about abuse. It is important to stay calm. The way you respond to the child is critical to their recovery.
When a child discloses abuse, they need to hear the following affirmations:
- It is not their fault
- They did the right thing by telling someone
- You are sorry this happened to them
- They are very brave
- He or she will be safe now
If the abuse took place within the family unit, by a family member, contact Child Protective Services at 223-6550 or after hours at 223-1975. If a child discloses abuse, contact your local law enforcement by calling 911. Remember, you can always call our 24 hour help line at (209) 223-2600 or (800) 675-3392.