Sexual Assault Awareness

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month! 


This year’s national theme is “Building Connected Communities.” Operation Care joins the National Sexual Violence Resource Center in bringing awareness to this very important topic. Building Connected Communities brings our community together and gives us a sense of belonging to remind us of how our beliefs, choices, and actions impact one another.

We must address all abuses of power to prevent sexual violence-in our relationships, communities, and society! How we talk about sexual violence impacts survivors, families, our community, and society as a whole! Our voice has power and we are all affected when someone does not feel safe or respected. We must strive to create a strong, connected community to ensure safety and well-being of others and end sexual violence. To learn more about this campaign, visit



What is Sexual Violence?  

Sexual violence is an umbrella term that includes any type of unwanted sexual contact — including sexual assault, harassment, and abuse.

Forms of sexual violence include:

  • Rape or sexual assault
  • Sexual harassment
  • Sexual abuse
  • Unwanted sexual contact/touching
  • Sexual exploitation and trafficking,
  • Exposing one’s genitals or naked body to others without consent,
  • Nonconsensual image sharing
  • Words and actions of a sexual nature against a person’s will and without their consent
  • Sexual violence represents a range of behaviors





How Can You Help?




Understanding the warning signs or red flags for domestic violence, sexual assault and abuse is a critical first step in addressing and preventing these crimes.  


If someone discloses that they have or are being abused let them know that the abuse is not their fault. It may be difficult for them to talk about the abuse but you don’t need to be an expert, you just need to be a friend. Reassure them that they are not alone, they are not to blame for what happened and that there is help and support out there. Help them to contact Operation Care at 209-223-2600 for an advocate to support their needs and safety.


Challenge comments that blame the victim for what has happened to them by letting your friends know that blaming the victim is inappropriate and offensive and encouraging them to consider why society questions the victim’s behavior rather than the perpetrator’s behavior. Learn how you can safely step in and speak up when you’re witnessing behavior that may put someone in danger.


We encourage Amador County residents to participate by wearing teal, the national color for SAAM, and to help us promote sexual assault awareness during the month of April by joining us in any or all of the following ways:


Wear Teal Color: 

Teal is the national color of sexual assault awareness month. Operation Care encourages community members to wear teal during the month of April to spread awareness and begin the discussion about sexual assault.

Baskets filled with SAAM items can be found at various locations throughout the county. Spread the word and invite your friends and family to show their support by speaking up against sexual violence.

For the locations of the baskets or if you are interested in having a baskets of sexual assault awareness items at your business or office please contact our us at 209.223.2897 and we will gladly provide FREE teal sexual assault awareness items!




Join Us April 24, 2024 for Denim Day: 

  • Operation Care encourages the community to wear jeans on Wednesday, April 25, 2024, to raise awareness about sexual assault and show support for victims of sexual assault. Denim Day was established in 1996 when a rape case was overturned by the Italian Supreme Court. In this case, the perpetrator, who had been previously convicted for sexual assault, argued that because the victim was wearing tight jeans she must have helped the perpetrator take off her pants during her assault, therefore making it consensual. This decision created a widespread campaign known as “Denim Day” in which jeans are worn on the last Wednesday of April to protest sexual violence. Learn more about denim day here.




 April 21-27, 2024
National Crime Victims’ Rights Week


The theme this year is Options, services and hope for crime survivors.

The theme asks all of us—friends, family members, neighbors, colleagues, community leaders, victim service providers, criminal justice practitioners, and health professionals—how we can help crime victims.

Victim Witness and Operation Care are bringing awareness to victims of crime this week by providing a number of events to the community and our partnering agencies.  Join us for a day at Petkovich Park from 10-2 p.m. on Denim Day (April 24, 2024) or at our Donut Social Friday April 26th at the District Attorney’s Office!


For more information on National Crime Victims’ Rights Week CLICK HERE